Ark Survival Enhancement: Fearless Dragon Biography Released, Titan BOSS Encounters Strong Enemies

source:66apkshop author:nameless Update time:2023-12-25 12:40:00

Summary: The biological map of the new creature "Dreadnaught" in "Ark: Survival Ascension" has been released. This huge creature will appear in the "Extinction" map and assist survivors in a fight to the death with the Titan BOSS.

The biological map of the new creature "Dreadnaught" in "Ark: Survival Ascension" has now been released. This huge creature will appear in the "Extinction" map, bringing an epic collision with the equally huge Titan BOSS.

Ark Survival Enhancement: Fearless Dragon Biography Released, Titan BOSS Encounters Strong Enemies

Dreadnoughts lived in the late Cretaceous period and was a territorial herbivorous dinosaur. Its huge body is the source of its "fearless" name. This size is not only unafraid of most dinosaurs, but can even compete with the Titan BOSS in the "Extinction" map.

Ark Survival Enhancement: Fearless Dragon Biography Released, Titan BOSS Encounters Strong Enemies

A wild Dreadnaught resolutely chooses creatures that match its own size, often ignoring creatures smaller than the Spinosaurus to focus on larger threats. The Dreadnaught can absorb incoming attacks and redirect them to charge his incredible Elemental Destruction Roar. Even so, this behemoth that can bear a large number of injuries is still full of patience, and will not let out an earth-shattering roar until the last moment of accumulation.

Ark Survival Enhancement: Fearless Dragon Biography Released, Titan BOSS Encounters Strong Enemies

Once tamed, the Dreadnought will gladly carry the survivors' heaviest artillery and join its master into the battlefield. The Dreadnaught has a huge platform, enough to truly earn the title of "Dreadnought" in battle. The massive war machine can also swallow boulders or artillery shells and then spit out acid-coated ammunition.

If the survivors try to fight the BOSS Titan in "Extinction", then taming a Dreadnought to assist is undoubtedly a good choice. Of course, the survivors will also need to find ways to weaken the Titan, otherwise the Dreadnought will likely fall in battle.

Ark Survival Enhancement: Fearless Dragon Biography Released, Titan BOSS Encounters Strong Enemies

"Ark: Survival Ascension" is redesigned using the Unreal Engine 5, bringing a brand new dinosaur survival sandbox adventure. Feel the charm of survival and dinosaurs with brand-new graphics, form a tribe, tame and breed hundreds of dinosaurs and other primitive creatures, explore, craft, build, and advance all the way to the top of the food chain to open a more exciting adventure chapter.

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